
Posts Tagged ‘Winter Weather’

How to Spot and Prevent Frost Heave Damage

Thursday, February 13th, 2020
frost heave damage pavement

Frost heave damage can crack and unsettle your pavement after extreme winter temperatures.

After enduring months of temperatures that yo-yo between freezing and cool, property managers in Maryland may be spotting the effects of frost heave and freeze-thaw cycles on their parking lots and sidewalks. It’s essential to understand what frost heave damage is, as well as the freeze-thaw cycles, in order to prevent or repair the damages that can result from them. Read on to learn about these consequences of winter weather, and how to spot them on your property.  (more…)

How to Eliminate Common Pedestrian Hazards in Your Parking Lot

Friday, January 24th, 2020
how to eliminate common pedestrian hazards in your parking lot

Removing snowfall immediately is an important step in preventing your parking lot from developing common pedestrian hazards.

Even if you are taking measures to remove snow from your parking lot this winter, your pavement can still become dangerous to pedestrians by accumulating ice and developing cracks that can trip customers. If your visitors don’t feel safe traveling in your parking lot, you can not only lose business but suffer long-lasting damages to your reputation. To avoid the negative consequences of pedestrian hazards in your parking lot, follow the guide below for spotting dangerous areas and eliminating them as efficiently as possible.  (more…)

Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Thursday, December 19th, 2019
safe winter driving on a snow covered road

Follow these tips for safe winter driving this year.

As the temperatures turn colder and snow starts to fall, the dangers of driving on pavement covered in ice and snow increase. However, there are always a few tasks you can do to play your part in keeping drivers safe on the road. PTG Enterprises would like to remind our customers of the essential tips for staying safe this winter season. Read on for the recommended safety tips for your car’s safe winter driving this year.  (more…)

How to Protect Your Concrete From Winter Weather

Thursday, November 7th, 2019
A person shovels away snow to protect their driveway.

Removing snow as soon as possible can help protect your concrete surface from winter damage.

Concrete surfaces are highly resistant to heat and rain, but winter weather may be their one real weakness. If you have a concrete driveway, walkway, patio, sidewalk, or any other various surfaces that may be constructed from concrete, there are steps you should take to protect your concrete this winter. If concrete is left unattended through the harsh cold months of winter, you may find yourself having to spend quite a bit on concrete repair come springtime. Instead of waiting to make repairs, learn now how to protect your concrete from the harsh effects of frigid temperatures and heavy snowfall.  (more…)

Concrete Tips for Harsh Winter Weather :: Baltimore Pavement Contractor

Friday, October 5th, 2012

The cold Maryland weather can really affect newly poured concrete. But this doesn’t mean that concrete cannot be placed, finished, and cured during the winter. It just means that you need to take extra special care when doing so.

Cold weather causes fresh and newly-hardened concrete to lose moisture and heat incredibly fast, which could negatively affect the concrete’s strength and life expectancy. To counteract this, your pavement contractor must observe proper design of mixes, proper mixing and transporting, proper placing, and proper finishing practices. If just one of these steps is neglected, the integrity iof the concrete could be in jeopardy. Because of this, it is important to rely on a concrete contractor you can trust, a contractor like PTG Enterprises!

Give me the opportunity to impress you. I can be your one stop ‘Pavement Guy,’ for any pavement project regardless of size, scope, or weather conditions.

Cold Weather Concrete Tips

  1. Have the proper equipment and manpower needed to get the job done right.
  2. Plan for bad weather and ensure the working environment and concrete maintains proper temperatures.
  3. Low slump concrete can be a great alternative for cold weather flatwork.
  4. Consider using concrete mixes containing accelerated admixtures or Type III Hi-Early cement, which require shorter protection time from freezing.
  5. Utilize a heated mix or order 100 lbs of extra cement for each cubic yard of concrete to help develop early strength.
  6. Trust PTG Enterprises!

The asphalt experts at PTG have managed hundreds of Maryland, DC, and Virginia pavement projects and have the experience you need. PTG Enterprises performs concrete work for:

For more information, or to schedule a site visit, contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today!

When you hire PTG, you’ll work with owner Patrick Gillen from start to finish. This process begins with an initial site visit, a pre-construction meeting and setting expectations for the client and crew. Communication is our watchword, and you’ll receive regular reports on your project.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!