
Posts Tagged ‘pavement’

What’s the Difference Between Cement and Concrete?

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
What’s the Difference Between Cement and Concrete?

Do you know the difference between Cement and Concrete?

Most people don’t know the difference between cement and concrete. While cement and concrete do stem from the same family, they are nowhere near the same thing. Cement is a fine grey powder which looks very much like grey flour. Most people wouldn’t encounter cement in their everyday lives. Concrete is the actual mixture of cement, sand, rock, water, and small amounts of additives. Concrete is the material we encounter in our everyday lives, such as roads, sidewalks, and parking lots.

When Do You Need a Retaining Wall?

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017
Retaining Wall

To keep your complete landscape beautiful, a retaining wall is a perfect addition.

Think about the places you’ve been? Do you remember seeing a retaining wall?

Chances are you have seen many, you just may not remember. Retaining walls are

everywhere: Schools, homes, and businesses all use them. A properly built retaining

wall is a functional and beautiful addition to any property that might need one. Here

is a little more information about retaining walls you may find helpful. (more…)

3 Myths Surrounding Asphalt You Still Believe

Friday, October 14th, 2016

The asphalt industry and its products get a bad reputation because of some seriously untrue myths that are floating around. Unfortunately, most people still believe them.

There are misconceptions about everything these days because of the widespread use of the internet.  It’s easy for a made-up Facebook status to be considered fact, which can eventually become a nasty, untrue rumor.  The asphalt industry and its products get a bad reputation because of some seriously untrue myths that are floating around.  Unfortunately, most people still believe them.  Let’s debunk some asphalt myths together!


The Shocking Results of Walking Your Dog on Hot Pavement

Friday, September 16th, 2016
Most people don’t even think about how hot pavement could affect their dog’s paws, even though it’s a huge problem that can cause serious burns.

Most people don’t even think about how hot pavement could affect their dog’s paws, even though it’s a huge problem that can cause serious burns.

If you’ve ever experienced being barefoot on hot asphalt, you know that it’s almost impossible to stand on it for more than a few moments without burning your feet.  Why would it be any different for our furry friends?  Most people don’t even think about how hot pavement could affect their dog’s paws, even though it’s a huge problem that can cause serious burns.  But there are ways to avoid these burns.  Read on to see what they are.


5 Pavement Defects You Should Know About

Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Asphalt Maintenance

There are many different kinds of pavement defects, and each requires a different maintenance technique.

Pavement is everywhere, and we often overlook the problems that exist because we’re so used to them.  For those outside the industry, asphalt cracks are probably not even a blip on their radar.  They may even seem normal; but, in reality, pavement defects can cause serious issues.  Some can be unsafe, and may even violate regulations.  But different defects require different repair options, so it’s important you’re able to describe the defect to a professional.  Read on to see the most common pavement defects.


How to Make Your Pavement Last Longer

Friday, September 2nd, 2016
Asphalt Patching: Cold Patch vs. Hot Mix

Pavement, as with anything, requires regular maintenance. Many people forget this, and their pavement cracks or erodes far before they’re prepared to replace it.

If frequently replacing your pavement is a hindrance in your life, you’ve come to the right place.  Pavement, as with anything, requires regular maintenance.  Many people forget this, and their pavement cracks or erodes far before they’re prepared to replace it.  To allow your pavement to last for ages, you should follow these tips.


The Cost-Effective Benefits of Sealcoating in Maryland

Friday, April 29th, 2016
Sealcoating vs. Unsealed Parking Lot

Sealcoating protects a parking lot and makes it look fresh, new, and clean. An unsealed parking lot, on the other hand can look worn out and neglected.

Every spring the time comes for homeowners associations, property managers, and other decision makers to plan for and budget a number of common area maintenance events. These include replacement, repair, and maintenance related to all lighting, roofs, plumbing, parking surfaces, signs, landscaping, and more. Where in all of this does the importance of sealcoating your parking lot fall? What is sealcoating? Read on to discover the answer to these questions and more. If you need sealcoating in Maryland, PTG Enterprises can deliver the best results.  (more…)

Cement vs. Concrete: Is There a Difference?

Friday, January 15th, 2016
Mixing Concrete

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, rocks, ash and water.

Have you ever wondered about the difference between cement and concrete? People often use the terms cement and concrete interchangeably, which may have led you to believe that they were the same thing. However, they are actually different substances (though there is cement in concrete). Let’s talk about the difference between concrete and cement.



What to Know About Retaining Walls

Monday, January 11th, 2016
Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are integrated to hold back earth and water, and can be a beautiful and functional element to your space.


A retaining wall is a hardscaping feature installed to hold back earth or water. Retaining walls are an aesthetically pleasing and functional option for residential and commercial property. They can increase the value of your home while being environmentally friendly and durable. Retaining walls come in a wide array of designs, flexible to your specific property desires and needs.


Is Your Pavement Ready for Another Harsh Baltimore Winter?

Friday, December 5th, 2014

Baltimore-Winter-PavementThe Farmer’s Almanac and climate experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are predicting ANOTHER harsh, snowy winter for all of us here in Baltimore, Maryland. In fact, WMAR-TV meteorologist Mike Masco is predicting a winter “just as rough if not worse” than last years, with 28 to 35 inches of snowfall in Baltimore City, and as much as 50 inches in northern and western counties. The snowiest periods will be in mid- and late December, mid-January, and early to mid-February, according to the Farmer’s Almanac.

So what does all of this mean? You have very little time to prepare your pavement for winter.

Is Your Pavement Ready for Another Harsh Baltimore Winter?

As your asphalt pavement ages, it will develop small cracks. Even the best pavement begins to break down at some point, typically around 3-5 years after paving. If you ignore these cracks, your pavement could be at risk for freeze-thaw damage this winter. When water penetrates these cracks, it freezes, expands, and widens the cracks. This happens numerous times over the course of a winter, worsening pavement damage each time.

“Any time you have weather where it is 60 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next, you’re going to have a significant impact on the pavement,” said Rob Morosi, Michigan Department of Transportation spokesman.

How PTG Can Help with Winterization of Your Pavement

PTG Enterprises has been in the asphalt paving, concrete, and masonry business for more than a decade. We have seen it all before and we know the telltale warning signs of asphalt and pavement failure. We also know how to prevent further damage: Crack Filling.

Crack filling is just that – filling in the cracks in the pavement. It can have a huge impact on the condition of your parking lot during and after the winter months. You should crack fill now so that you don’t have to repair a pothole later.

If you have any questions about Pavement Maintenance, please contact PTG Enterprises today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today! You can also check us out on Facebook and Twitter.