Prepare Your Pavement for Spring With This Maintenance Checklist

pavement maintenance checklist sealcoating
Sealcoating is a crucial part of any pavement maintenance checklist.

Spring will be here before you know it, and with the change in seasons and weather, comes a perfect opportunity to reevaluate and refresh your asphalt pavement surfaces. If you plan on upgrading the exterior of your business, updating your landscaping, and repairing your parking lots and walkways, now is the time to plan so you can put in place an efficient schedule for your spring maintenance needs. The best way to begin this process is to make a maintenance checklist of all the primary tasks you need to complete. If you don’t know where to start, follow our suggestions below for spring maintenance essentials. 

First, Inspect Your Surfaces

The best place to start with any maintenance checklist is by undertaking a visual inspection of your pavement surfaces. Once winter snow melts, it may leave behind cracks or potholes that have grown through the winter due to the excess of freezing water. These damages are not only unsightly and dangerous to pedestrians and cars but will cause more significant damage to your pavement and soil if left untreated. Assess your property for any of these visual signs of damage. Those places are where you should start your spring repairs. 

Schedule Sealcoating

Discover the last time your pavement underwent sealcoating, and determine if it is time for a fresh coat. Sealcoating is a component of regular pavement maintenance that helps reduce repair costs and protect your surfaces in the long run. A fresh sealcoating also helps your pavement look brand new, which will be great in the spring sunshine. Pavement maintenance should consist of sealing cracks, filling potholes, and scheduling sealcoating services every few years. 

Add the Finishing Touches

Once your parking lot or walkways have been inspected and repaired, you should consider any finishing touches you can add. For instance, any new painting. Repainting parking lines and other regulation symbols on your pavement will not only keep your parking lot safe but will boost the property value and communicate that safety is important to your business. 

Practice Regular Year-Round Maintenance

Make sure that you stay on top of regular maintenance for your asphalt pavement. You won’t want to always wait until the change of seasons to give your surfaces a visual inspection. If any potholes or cracks develop, you want to spot them right away. By keeping your pavement regularly well-maintained, you also maintain a safe environment for employees, customers, and pedestrians while keeping your property looking new and inviting. 

Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises

If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.

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