
Posts Tagged ‘Traffic Flow’

Maximizing Traffic Flow

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Traffic flow can either make or break your newly resurfaced parking lot. Often ignored, but no less important than pavement maintenance, efficient traffic flow can really affect the experience of your customers. Remember, first impressions count. Customers who have a negative experience are less likely to patronize a business or shopping district because of those experiences.

You never knew how important your parking lot was, did you?

In such a competitive world, you cannot afford to lose business because of an inefficient parking surface. Neglecting efficient use of parking spaces and systems can be perilous to the continued success of any business.

Here are a few things to consider:

•      Put yourself in the place of the driver who has to navigate and use the lot. Would you get lost here, not knowing how everything works?

•      What about high volume periods? How does your parking lot cope with lots of traffic? Does it get backed up easily?

•      Are there any trouble areas where accidents are likely?

Answering these questions will help you understand how to increase the efficiency of your parking surface. Or, if you would like a professional opinion or if you have any questions, contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy by calling 410-636-8777 or click here today!

PTG Enterprises will work closely with the building owner(s), property managers and anchor tenants to satisfy any and all concerns in an attempt to limit distraction to normal center activities.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!


Maximizing Efficient Traffic Flow in Your Parking Lot