
Posts Tagged ‘parking lot striping’

How to Create an ADA Compliant Parking Lot

Friday, March 20th, 2020
ADA compliant parking lot

An ADA compliant parking lot requires proper sizing, placement, and marking of accessible parking spaces.

The Americans with Disabilities Act, or the ADA, was created to ensure that public places across America are accessible for people with disabilities. ADA compliance is essential for every property, and property managers must take care that their property follows the guidelines of the ADA. The ADA has regulations for the spaces inside as well as outside most businesses, including the parking lot. The parking lot is the entrance to your business, so creating an ADA compliant parking lot is crucial for making your business accessible to every individual. Read on to learn what necessary components your parking lot needs to be considered ADA compliant.  (more…)

How Often You Should Restripe Your Facility’s Parking Lot

Thursday, January 16th, 2020
restripe your facility's parking lot with bright paint

Learn why and when you should restripe your facility’s parking lot.

Business owners may underestimate the maintenance and upkeep required to keep their business running smoothly and remaining attractive to customers. Besides the obvious factors that are necessary for maintaining a business such as rent, employee wages, taxes, and inventory, taking care to maintain your business’s parking lot is just as essential. Understanding the reasons why striping your parking lot is important, as well as when to restripe your facility’s parking lot, will help you maintain this critical part of a well-run business.  (more…)

Parking Lot Striping Services in Baltimore

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

Parking Lot Striping Baltimore

When it comes to maintenance and repairs, many business owners and facility managers focus their attention on their buildings, and for good reason. However, this does not mean you should completely ignore your parking lot. It may look tough on the outside, but without the right amount of care, your once beautiful parking lot could begin to deteriorate before your eyes. And maintenance doesn’t just mean crack sealing, patching, and pothole repair. Proper maintenance also includes aesthetic repairs, like striping, signage, and wheel stops. These seemingly simple maintenance tasks play a bigger role than you probably realize. (more…)

Parking Lot Striping can benefit your Baltimore Business

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Parking lot striping can help you make a better first impression.

Our entire lives, we are told “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Easier said than done. As human beings, we are a very visual people. According to several psychology studies, as much as 55% of a stranger’s opinion of your Baltimore business – a potential customer’s opinion – is determined by physical appearance. And what is the first thing a customer sees? Your building!

Like the cover of a book, the exterior of your building and your parking lot are what your customers base their first opinions on.  And according to Business Insider, it takes just 0.1 seconds for an individual to form a lasting impression of your business. So what kind of first impression is your building giving your customers? Remember, it is far more difficult to change someone’s first impression than it is to make a good first impression.

Parking Lot Striping Baltimore

Parking Lot Striping can benefit your Baltimore Business

New paint, signs and wheel stops give your parking lot a “WOW” factor, instantly improving curb appeal. Unfortunately, this wow factor doesn’t last forever. Your parking lot striping wears away over time, which is why re-striping is the most common and routine type of asphalt maintenance. This deterioration is sped up by such factors as severe weather, the amount of traffic coming in and out of the lot, and the thickness of the paint.

Because of all this, it is recommended that you re-stripe your parking lot every 12-18 months.

Parking Lot Striping in Baltimore

PTG Enterprises is a full service commercial asphalt contractor in the Baltimore area. We can handle all of your parking lot striping needs.

“These are the extras as I like to call them,” explains PTG owner Patrick Gillen. “Regardless of how well the excavation, grading, concrete installs, stone placement and asphalt was laid, what’s going to stand out to the average passerby is the brad new striping against the fresh black asphalt.”

The asphalt paving experts at PTG have managed hundreds of pavement projects throughout Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. We have the experience you need. And when you choose PTG, you can expect a fair proposal, professionalism, and quality work. That is our promise to you.

If you have any questions about Parking Lot Striping in Baltimore, please contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today! You can also follow PTG Enterprises on Facebook and Twitter!

The Importance of Parking Lot Striping and Re-Striping

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Like the cover of a book, the exterior of your building and your parking lot are what your customers base their first opinions on. I know, I know…don’t judge a book by its cover. Well, guess what? People still do. That is just the way it is. And you only get to make one first impression, so it is important to make it a good one. After all, who wants to lose business because their parking lot is a mess?

New paint, signs and wheel stops give your parking lot a “WOW” factor. Unfortunately, this wow factor doesn’t last forever.

Your parking lot striping wears away over time, which is why re-striping is the most common and routine type of asphalt maintenance. As soon as the paint is applied to your parking surface, it begins to deteriorate. This deterioration is sped up by such factors as severe weather, the amount of traffic coming in and out of the lot, and the thickness of the paint.

So how often should you re-stripe your parking lot?

Because of the deteriorating paint, the relatively low cost of re-striping, and the instant curb appeal it provides, it is recommended that you re-stripe your parking lot every 12-18 months. And as long as the temperature is above freezing, striping can be performed year-round.

So if your parking lot is in desperate need of a little TLC, contact an experienced asphalt company today – a company like PTG Enterprises. The asphalt experts here have managed hundreds of these projects and have the experience you need. So contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777 or click here today!

Give me the opportunity to impress you. I can be your one stop ‘Pavement Guy,’ for any pavement project regardless of size or scope.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!