As the winter weather moves in, your concrete and asphalt pavements become vulnerable to damage from rock salt. Rock salt is the most common de-icing agent used for decreasing the snow and ice buildup on pavements. However, the rock salt can damage your concrete pavement through the freeze-thaw cycle it instigates.
Additionally, the ice melts into your concrete, freezes, and destroys the concrete from the inside out. Rock salt is also hazardous to the environment, pets, and kids. However, you can still de-ice pavement without resorting to rock salt. Read on to learn several tips that will keep your pavement attractive and safe throughout the winter season.
Use An Alternative De-Icer
There are other official de-icers on the market that you can use on your pavement. Potassium chloride only works down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, but mixing it with other de-icers can increase its efficiency. Magnesium chloride works down to -13 degrees Fahrenheit and is more environmentally friendly.
Use Sand or a Salt Mix
Sand doesn’t melt ice, but it does provide valuable traction. If you have to use salt, you can dilute it with sand to lessen its negative impacts before you de-ice your pavement.
De-Ice Pavement Sparingly Before Shoveling
If you feel you must use a de-icer, use it sparingly to reduce the adverse side effects and to save on costs. You can use a de-icer to loosen ice up, which you can then shovel or ice pick to eat away at spots that are slow to melt.
Shovel Early
Shoveling snow off of your pavement in the morning is beneficial because it has not been compacted yet. Shoveling early also gives the pavement maximum exposure to warm the pavement throughout the day, which can help clear snowy residue from the pavement and prevent black ice formation.
Apply Hot Water
If you encounter a stubborn patch of ice and you don’t want to use a de-icer, you can pour a pot of boiling water over the iced area. Use a shovel or ice pick to scrape away any ice that remains. De-icing pavement this way should be done during the warmest part of the day. Once you’re finished, sweep away the water or soak it up with a towel.
Invest in a Snow Blower
If you want to save costs in the long run, you might want to purchase a home snowblower. There are a variety of snow blows available in different sizes, electric or gas-powered, and the ability to handle various size snowdrifts. Take the time to research the best option for your needs.
Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.