There are many different steps to the process of asphalt installation. PTG Enterprises has the most efficient one, and follows guidelines that will lay your asphalt correctly. To help you out, we’re writing our process down so our customers will be able to see clearly just how we do things.
Contractors Survey the Space
One parking lot can be worked on by multiple contractors, and the asphalt installation is usually no exception. When a company only owns earth-moving equipment, us contractors are required to come in and oversee the process of laying asphalt. Because of this, stone and pavement contractors must work closely, to ensure there are no hiccups in the process of installation.
Laying it Down
Asphalt isn’t just laid by one truck and one man–PTG Enterprises makes sure that there are just enough people sent to do the job, and we know exactly how to lay asphalt. Usually, one man sprays adhesive along the areas where the asphalt will be. Another man on the ground will be the one to guide trucks. These trucks must always be in order and ready to work, because the longer the asphalt sits and cools, the harder it will be to lay. From there, a truck dumps asphalt while a paver follows behind and smooths it into place. More ground crew is needed here to ensure everything lines up. Two men, known as Lute Men, will go through and rake out any inconsistencies in the pavement. And then, to top it all off, the Roller Man will compact the asphalt into its final stage. When your pavement needs help, PTG Enterprises conducts mantinence for you.
No two parking lots are exactly the same. Traffic changes are crucial, because they determine how thick the asphalt will be. Sometimes, heavy-duty roadways with nonstop traffic can be up to twelve inches thick. And usually, parking lots need to be thicker in order to compensate for the frequent traffic. But the installation process remains the same. Compaction, timing and more compaction relates to the success of the pavement. PTG Enterprises has laid thousands of miles of asphalt, so you know you’re getting the most experienced crew.
Do you need a new parking lot? PTG Enterprises will do the hard work for you. Click Here for a FREE Proposal.
When you hire PTG, you’ll work with Patrick Gillen from start to finish. This process begins with an initial site visit, a pre-construction meeting and setting expectations for the client and crew.
To learn more about Mill and Pave, please contact PTG Enterprises today by calling 410-636-8777! You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!