As Thanksgiving approaches, many people begin to think about all that they have and all that they appreciate. Businesses do this as well as individuals, and at PTG Enterprises, we encourage charitable giving by having each employee select a charity PTG can donate to for the year. If you want your business to increase its philanthropic efforts, there are multiple reasons why this will benefit not only your business but your employees and the local community you serve.
Charitable Giving Improves Employee Morale
Studies have found that if a company chooses to make charitable donations, workplace culture can improve by increasing employee involvement and contributing to a generally positive attitude. Employees respect companies that care for their community, and they naturally feel good about being a part of a company that gives back to the people that they serve.
Charitable Giving Improves Your Company’s Reputation
Getting your business’s name out there with other organizations and companies organically increases your name recognition and can often improve your reputation. However, before you align yourself with a charity, whether by donating or sponsoring events, you should guarantee that the charity organization or event aligns with your company’s values and goals.
Charitable Giving Can Count Towards Tax Deductions
Businesses shouldn’t donate with the sole intention of receiving a tax deduction, but it is a valuable benefit of charitable giving. Companies can often receive deductions for charitable donations or events, but you must follow the charitable deduction procedure exactly and comply with all tax requirements. A benefit of tax deductions is that it essentially gives you some of your donated money back to put back into your business. Because of that, there is little reason not to donate to your charity of choice.
Charitable Donations Help Your Community
The most important reason for donating through your business this year is to benefit your community. The money or resources you give to local charities is put right back into the community of the people you serve and employ. Those same people will notice that your company cares about its community and its well-being. Your charitable donations could improve schools or parks or contribute to important medical research. Or, you can help community members more specifically. Last year, for instance, PTG donated to a GoFundMe fundraiser for an acquaintance of an employee who had lost their home in a fire.
Ultimately, any reason to donate to a charity is a good one. Charitable organizations work year-round to serve their communities and lift people up; contributing to their cause will not only benefit your business but make you feel good in return.
Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.