Is Your Pavement Ready for Another Harsh Baltimore Winter?

Baltimore-Winter-PavementThe Farmer’s Almanac and climate experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are predicting ANOTHER harsh, snowy winter for all of us here in Baltimore, Maryland. In fact, WMAR-TV meteorologist Mike Masco is predicting a winter “just as rough if not worse” than last years, with 28 to 35 inches of snowfall in Baltimore City, and as much as 50 inches in northern and western counties. The snowiest periods will be in mid- and late December, mid-January, and early to mid-February, according to the Farmer’s Almanac.

So what does all of this mean? You have very little time to prepare your pavement for winter.

Is Your Pavement Ready for Another Harsh Baltimore Winter?

As your asphalt pavement ages, it will develop small cracks. Even the best pavement begins to break down at some point, typically around 3-5 years after paving. If you ignore these cracks, your pavement could be at risk for freeze-thaw damage this winter. When water penetrates these cracks, it freezes, expands, and widens the cracks. This happens numerous times over the course of a winter, worsening pavement damage each time.

“Any time you have weather where it is 60 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next, you’re going to have a significant impact on the pavement,” said Rob Morosi, Michigan Department of Transportation spokesman.

How PTG Can Help with Winterization of Your Pavement

PTG Enterprises has been in the asphalt paving, concrete, and masonry business for more than a decade. We have seen it all before and we know the telltale warning signs of asphalt and pavement failure. We also know how to prevent further damage: Crack Filling.

Crack filling is just that – filling in the cracks in the pavement. It can have a huge impact on the condition of your parking lot during and after the winter months. You should crack fill now so that you don’t have to repair a pothole later.

If you have any questions about Pavement Maintenance, please contact PTG Enterprises today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today! You can also check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

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PTG Enterprises offers commercial concrete, masonry, asphalt construction, repair, and paving in Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, and Howard Counties in Maryland

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