Asphalt driveways and parking lots are used almost daily by countless vehicles. It’s only natural that over time, your asphalt will require repairs and routine maintenance. Whether the freeze/thaw cycle has left your parking lot cracked, or wear-and-tear has left potholes throughout your pavement, asphalt repair will eventually be necessary. You may be wondering–what’s the best way to patch or repair my asphalt pavement? Though most of us are familiar with asphalt patching, infrared asphalt repair is a highly effective and durable method for repairing blacktop. Learn about why infrared asphalt repair is a good choice and how it can benefit you.
Easy Repair
The traditional method of repairing asphalt involves excavating and repaving holes and deteriorated areas. This can be time-consuming and requires extensive cutting and chiseling. Infrared asphalt repair, on the other hand, heats up the existing asphalt. This allows pavement professionals to simply add hot asphalt mix to the heated pavement and rejuvenate asphalt without leaving behind bumps or seams. This allows for a quick repair and a smoother surface. Since you don’t need to cut and clean up the edges of the pothole, it eliminates several steps from the repair process, making maintenance of your driveway or parking lot quicker and easier. Bonus: this makes infrared asphalt repair extremely cost-effective!
Increased Durability
Infrared asphalt repair isn’t just easy and cost-effective. It’s also a far more durable option than traditional asphalt repair. Since you heat the asphalt up during the process and eliminate seams or joints in the pavement, the asphalt is stronger overall than it would be with traditional patching. With no seam or joint, there is no weak spot for the freeze/thaw cycle, weathering, or pressure over time to wear out. This means that repairs done using infrared asphalt repair will last longer and reduce the amount of maintenance required to keep your pavement looking and working like new!
Extended Repair Season
Typically, you need to wait for warmer weather to repair asphalt holes and cracks using traditional methods. But since infrared repair entails heating the surrounding asphalt to temperatures of over 300*F, you can use this method in cooler temperatures than you would normally be able to repair asphalt. This means that your repair season is longer, allowing you a lot more flexibility to plan high-quality repair with a reputable pavement professional. As long as you have a strong foundation for your asphalt, you can repair pavement using infrared asphalt repair in minutes as if you were laying new hot asphalt!
Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.