Concrete Damage: Shrinking, Curling, and Cracking

Concrete is a strong, durable material that holds up well to the elements. Because of this, concrete is excellent for sidewalks, curbs, dumpster pads, and similar structures. However, concrete is not indestructible. In fact, it immediately starts to break down soon after it is poured. That is life. All god things must come to an end. Yadda yadda yadda. I am sure we could throw around a million other clichés as well.

Concrete Damage

Concrete Damage: Shrinking, Curling, and Cracking

Concrete damage occurs in three ways. It shrinks, it curls, and it cracks.

Concrete Shrinks

Concrete shrinks as excess water is removed as the concrete dries. The length change can vary between .01% and .1%. This is inevitable. There is no way to stop concrete from shrinking. There are, however, ways to minimize the damage this shrinking can cause, namely, reinforcement, proper installation, and regular maintenance. These simple steps will help control the severity of shrinkage cracks.

Concrete Curls

“It is normal to expect some amount of cracking and curling on every project,” explains the American Concrete Institute (ACI).

Over time, concrete tends to curl up around its edges and at joints as the result of shrinkage (see above). The top of the concrete dries out or cools quicker than the bottom. As a result, curling occurs. This causes the pavement to lose contact with the subbase and thus lose integrity, which can lead to cracking.

By reducing and better controlling shrinkage, curling can be minimized. This, once again, comes down to reinforcement, proper installation, and regular maintenance.

Concrete Cracks

All concrete will develop cracks at one point or another. This can happen for a number of reasons, ranging from improper installation and shrinkage to subgrade settlement and more. This cracking is only worsened by harsh winters (like the one we just had) and what is known as the freeze-thaw cycle.

Fortunately, unlike curling and shrinkage, cracks can be easily repaired.

Baltimore Concrete Contractor

Of course, all of the above issues can be lessened with proper installation and regular maintenance. This is where PTG Enterprises can help!

At PTG, we are experts when it comes to commercial concrete jobs and our crews are extremely familiar with all types of concrete paving. We work closely with you to ensure the details of the project are fully understood, and that timetables are met.

If you have any questions about Concrete Damage: Shrinking, Curling, and Cracking, please contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today! You can also follow PTG Enterprises on Facebook and Twitter!

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