Is your business’s parking lot in need of a makeover? When it comes to a great first impression and improved customer retention rates, one of the most overlooked aspects of a business is its parking lot. While not every company has control over the state of their parking area, for those who do, it should be one of significant concern. Not only can a poorly maintained parking lot lead to injuries, vehicle damage, and personal injury lawsuits, but it can make a substantial impact on your reputation. No matter how good your products and services, customers will be less inclined to return if they know your parking area is a mess. With that in mind, stopping to consider the type of parking lot you choose is critical. Ensuring that you can keep it maintained and repaired for years to come will make a huge difference in its long term effectiveness. The two options for a parking lot are asphalt and concrete, both have their own pros and cons, but today we’ll be focusing on asphalt.
Quick and Inexpensive
One of the primary advantages of an asphalt parking lot is that they are very quick and easy to install. Once started, they can be ready in as little as two days. This means that you are able to open faster, or during maintenance and repaving – can expect a faster turnaround. The material itself is less expensive, and with the decreased labor needs it is highly economical.
While it does need regular maintenance, asphalt parking, lots can last for significantly longer than concrete. With the use of seal coating, routine marking refreshers, and overlays, an asphalt parking lot can last twenty years without needing a full repave. When combined with its superior drainage solutions and recycling capabilities, it’s also a more environmentally friendly solution.
Winter Safe
Depending on your location, asphalts improved resistance to winter weather, and its side effects is a significant bonus. Winter has a wide range of impact on parking lots – from freezing and thaw cycles to the damage done by road salt and plows, asphalt holds up better than concrete. While Maryland may not get as dramatic a winter as other parts of the country, our dramatic changes in temperature can be hard on concrete.
Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.