
Posts Tagged ‘paving contractors’

Permeable Paving: Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Pavement

Friday, October 19th, 2012

Throughout the United States, municipalities are passing ordinances to dictate the use of permeable pavement in new construction projects. This is because permeable paving is incredibly beneficial, especially in terms of sustainability.

Benefits of Permeable Pavement

  • Storm Water Runoff: Permeable paving eliminates pollutants and contaminants from water drain off. Unlike other pavements, permeable systems filter rainwater back into the soil, instead of carrying pollutants through storm drains to a nearby stream or river.
  • Erosion: Permeable paving also lessens stream erosion by filtering water into the soil instead of nearby streams and rivers. This lessens water to overflow stream banks.
  • Reduce Irrigation Demands: Because it filters water into the soil, permeable pavement lessens manmade irrigation demands.
  • Falling Water Tables: With so many impermeable surfaces, permeable pavement helps recharge falling water tables and relieve flooding in flood prone areas.
  • Heat Island Effect: By allowing water to filtrate into the ground, the surface and surrounding area temperatures will be cooler than a hard impervious surface.
  • Repairs: Permeable pavement is less costly to repair.
  • Aesthetics: Grey concrete can be boring. Permeable paving, meanwhile, comes in a wide variety of styles. From stone or concrete pavers to pervious concrete and more.

PTG Enterprises: Permeable Paving in MarylandWhen we arrive, we’ll prepare the site and get to work. Each phase of the project will be executed with an attention to detail that other paving contractors don’t possess. We’ll establish timetables and plans that ensure the job gets done quickly, without negatively impacting you. And when we complete the project, we’ll make sure to clean up, as well.

For more information, or to schedule a site visit, contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today!

When you hire PTG, you’ll work with owner Patrick Gillen from start to finish. This process begins with an initial site visit, a pre-construction meeting and setting expectations for the client and crew. Communication is our watchword, and you’ll receive regular reports on your project.

Check PTG Enterprises out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

Commercial Parking Lots, Paving Contractors, and Your Business

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Your business parking lot is the first point of contact your customers/clients have with your business. It is what they will base their first impressions on. Because of this, it is important to keep your parking surface free of oil stains, debris, cracks and potholes. But all the asphalt maintenance in the world won’t make a difference if your asphalt pavement was not properly installed by a qualified pavement contractor.

But before you call a potential asphalt contractor, educate yourself on the important qualities of any good commercial parking surface. These include:

  1. Smooth Integration: If you are expanding an existing parking lot, you want to be sure that your new parking surface blends seamlessly with the old asphalt. Feel free to ask your potential parking lot contractor for photos of a similar job he already completed.
  2. Good Base: Without a proper gravel base, your business parking surface will collapse under the weight of traffic.
  3. Drainage: Water and asphalt are not friends. Proper drainage prevents standing water and long-term damage to your parking lot.
  4. Attention to Detail: A good asphalt professional pays attention to the tiniest of details, ensuring that your parking surface is installed properly.

If you have any further questions, contact an experienced asphalt company today – a company like PTG Enterprises. The asphalt experts here have managed hundreds of pavement projects and have the experience you need. So contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777 or click here today!

Give me the opportunity to impress you. I can be your one stop ‘Pavement Guy,’ for any pavement project regardless of size or scope.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!


4 Keys to Quality Commercial Parking Lot Paving

How to Rid Yourself of Pavement Ants in Your Driveway

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Pavement ants, also known as house ants or sugar ants, can be quite a nuisance. They set up camp in your yard or inside the cracks in your pavement and eventually work their way into your home. The best thing to do when you find pavement ants is to rid yourself of the infestation as soon as possible.

But how can you do that? You are no exterminator and you don’t want to have to run to the hardware store to buy ant spray, right? Well, you can use one household item to help assist you in your quest for an ant free existence – salt.

That’s right, all you need is everyday salt. This article from explains several solutions to rid yourself of those pesky pavement ants using nothing but common table salt.

1.   Sprinkle ordinary table salt on cracks in the driveway, along the sides and where the ants are present. Make sure the driveway and surrounding areas are dry before applying salt for the best effectiveness.

2.   Repeat weekly until the ants are gone. After consuming the salt, the ants will drink water or other moisture until they essentially explode. Be aware that the salt will also kill any weeds or plants present, so use caution.

3.   Draw a line with salt at the end of the driveway on the pavement to prevent the ants from crossing over into the lawn or home.

4.   If table salt is not effective, purchase a sweet ant bait trap that contains boric acid salt. (Boric acid is a hydroponic salt.) The ants are attracted to the sugar in the bait, consume the boric acid salt with the sugar, and then take the poison back to their home, where it spreads to the other ants.

5.   Place the ant baits along the sides and ends of the driveway. Use caution when using ant baits because boric acid can be toxic to pets and humans as well as insects.

If you have any questions, contact PTG Enterprises by calling410-636-8777 or click here today!

Try reverse bidding instead of RFP

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

If you need to bid out a paving project but don’t want to go the request for proposal (RFP) process, you can try reverse bidding.  Reverse bidding is especially helpful for organizations whose budget isn’t large enough to accomplish all of its projects.

With reverse bidding, the organization reveals to potential contractors its budget for the project from the outset.  The bidders then submit the amount of work they can get done for the budgeted amount.  The organization then picks the contractor who can accomplish the most goals.

You can read more about reverse bidding on our education page, including how organizations can utilize the process over several years to finish a large, expensive project.  Then, for help on paving and repaving work, contact us.