
Posts Tagged ‘Freshly Sealed Asphalt’

White Stains on Freshly Sealed Asphalt

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Have you noticed white or rust colored stains on your newly sealed parking lot or driveway? Before you go chastising your pavement professional, you should get the facts.

This article from can help. It outlines some of the main, natural culprits behind these sealcoat stains.

It is common to see white and rust colored stains on freshly sealed asphalt. This is not some defect in the sealer or caused by an error during sealing, but actually comes from a natural compound found in water, gravel and dirt.

  1. Mineral Salts can dry on the surface as a result of water run-off. They can also be pumped up through soil and gravel to the asphalt surface. White residue will often show up where there are cracks.
  2. Calcium Carbonate is also common in soil and gravel and can leave a white residue.
  3. Rusty red orange and brown are other common colors of residue left from rusty cars and plant byproducts.

Stains can happen at anytime, but are simply more noticeable on freshly sealed asphalt, due to the contrast. Don’t fret; these stains will naturally wash away with time.

If you have any questions, contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy by calling 410-636-8777 or click here

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