
The Benefits of Crack Fill: Baltimore Asphalt Repair from PTG Enterprises

Over time, your asphalt parking lot, driveway, or other surface will begin to crack. That is an inevitability. Around 3-5 years after paving, your asphalt will begin to show cracks. How you handle these initial cracks will help determine the lifespan of your asphalt. With proper maintenance and timely repairs, asphalt has an average lifespan of 15 years. However, if you ignore these early cracks, your asphalt could fail much earlier.

Cracks, no matter what size, allow water to penetrate the asphalt surface, softening the stone base and leading to further damage, including:  alligator cracking/spider webbing, pot holes, and premature failure. Cracks are especially problematic this time of year. The freeze-thaw effect, which is exactly what it sounds like, can speed up asphalt degradation.

The Solution: Crack Filling from PTG Enterprises, your Baltimore Asphalt Contractor

“Crack sealing and filling are imperative preventative maintenance tools,” sates the  Federal Highway Administration Manual of Practice (FWHA Report Number FHWS-RD-99-147). Crack filling helps reduce asphalt degradation by restricting water penetration into the underlying bas and sub-base.


So when should you take action? The FHWA warns that once you notice cracking, you are officially “on the clock.” Pick up the phone and give PTG Enterprises a call!

According to the Strategic Highway Research Programs (SHRP) Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP), preventative maintenance programs, like crack filling, can extend the lifespan of your asphalt surface anywhere from 6-20 years.

PTG Enterprises: Baltimore Crack Filling

Asphalt may seem tough and durable, but add up the effects of traffic and the elements, and you’ll see how quickly commercial asphalt can wear down. PTG Enterprises has paved thousands of miles of asphalt lots, and our crews work quickly and professionally.

If you have any further questions about Crack Filling, please contact PTG Enterprises aka My Pavement Guy today by calling 410-636-8777, or click here today! You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!


The Basics of Crack Filling

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