Attn Property Managers: 5 Reasons to Invest in Pothole Repair Now

Need pothole repair? We can help!
Need pothole repair? We can help!

The winter season can wreak havoc on the roads, parking lots, and other pavement surfaces. The expansion and contraction of water as it freezes and thaws can cause potholes, cracks, and all sorts of damages.  Here are five reasons why it is essential for property managers to consider and complete pavement and pothole repairs in the spring.

1. Pothole Repair Curtails More Intense Damage

It only takes one pothole to do significant damage to pavement. Water causes potholes, and untreated potholes allow even more water to leach into pavement, exacerbating the problem. Pothole repair prevents extensive water damage.

2. Timely Pothole Repair Reduces Long Term Costs

Property managers are always looking for cost effective ways to keep their property functional and beautiful. Fact of the matter is, being proactive about your pothole repair and pavement maintenance can potentially save you thousands in the long run.

3. Pothole Repair Improves Curb Appeal

The parking lot and pavement outside of your business is the first thing potential partners, clients, or tenants will see when entering. It is very important to evoke the right impression with a well cared property that says that you are responsible, detail oriented, and care.

4. Pothole Repair Improves Safety

It is the responsibility of property managers to make sure their business is safe and accessible to pedestrians and drivers alike. Keep your customers happy and safe, and protect both your clients and your property by making sure that there is a minimal chance of accidents occurring.

5. Hot Mix Asphalt Makes For Great Pavement Repair

This durable and effective type of asphalt is ideal for projects such as pothole repair and will get the job done so your property can stay beautiful, safe, and functional.

Get In Touch With PTG Enterprises Today

PTG Enterprises has been in the asphalt paving, concrete, and masonry business for more than a decade. We have seen it all before and we know the telltale warning signs of asphalt and pavement failure. And as a member of the Community Association Institute (CAI), National Facilities Management and Technology (NFMT), and Maryland Multi-Housing Association (MMHA) we are well-positioned to help you make the right financial decisions for your property or community association.

Please contact PTG Enterprises today by calling 410-636-8777, or clicking here! You can also check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

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