There are still a few months left of wintry weather here in Maryland, but parking lots and asphalt surfaces still need repairs. Due to the fluctuating and often freezing temperatures affecting pavement during the winter, cracks and potholes can quickly form. Waiting too long to fix potholes and cracks will only increase the damage, so it is best to repair them as soon as possible. Fortunately, with cold asphalt patching, you do not need to wait for warm weather conditions to restore your pavement.
What Is Cold Asphalt Patching?
Usually, filling a pothole requires a hot product mix. This means that the pothole repair would not be done until warmer months, to avoid the hot mix freezing before it can fill the pothole. However, cold asphalt patching, or cold tar patching, exists specifically to work in cold temperatures.
How the Cold Patching Works
The cold asphalt patching mix is designed with special polymers. These make the mix softer and more pliable than hot mix asphalt. Additionally, cold asphalt mix is easier to use than hot. No heating or rolling is required; instead, you merely need to tamp the mix down in the pothole with a hand tool or heavy object.
A Temporary Fix
Cold asphalt patching is often considered a relatively temporary repair for potholes. By spring or summer, you can use a hot mix to repair cracks and potholes more permanently. In the meantime, you protect your property’s visitors from dangerous pavement cracks and potholes.
Cold Asphalt Patching Offers a Year-Round Fix
The best part of cold asphalt patching is that it makes pothole repair possible throughout the year. Previously, you could only repair asphalt in warm weather, and the process required bulky equipment. Cold patching, however, allows for a quick and relatively easy patching service to repair potholes that need immediate fixing.
Call a Professional
You may not want to take a chance of further damaging your asphalt by applying a cold asphalt patch yourself. Additionally, if your parking lot has multiple cracks or potholes, it would be best to hire a professional such as PTG Enterprises. The professionals at PTG are the experienced team you need to quickly repair your potholes in winter, saving your business time and money as well as ensuring safe surfaces through the winter.
Maintenance You Can Trust from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your pavement and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your community sidewalks, parking lots and pavement maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, asphalt, masonry, paving, consultation, and survey report services throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr.