The Dangerous and Serious Problems With Road Salt

road salt
Though salt makes our cars a little dirty, it’s also vital for the safety of the general public. Unfortunately, though, there are consequences that come with using road salt.

In Maryland, we rely on the use of road salt during the winter to keep our cars from sliding on patches of ice and snow.  Salt, which is composed of sodium and chloride, reacts with water molecules and heats them to melting point.  This is what ends up clearing our roads whenever the salt truck passes by.  Though salt makes our cars a little dirty, it’s also vital for the safety of the general public.  Unfortunately, though, there are consequences that come with using road salt.  To find out what they are, read on.


Why do we use salt?

Salt works well in Maryland to melt the ice on roadways, because it’s rare for the temperature to fall past -6 degrees, which is when the chemical reaction stops working.  For the most part, it does an excellent job at clearing major roadways so days can continue as normal when it snows.  As you’re probably aware, serious ice and snow can cause problems–both with convenience and safety.  When roads aren’t iced properly, people get angry.  There are cases where Maryland political officials have lost elections due to salt shortages.  So, its importance is obvious.


Why does it cause problems?


Moisture can get into tiny cracks in pavement, freeze beneath it, and expand to the point of cracking the pavement.  The problem with salt is that it melts water when the temperatures fall past freezing, so once the water gets through the pavement, it simply freezes once again and causes pavement to crack.  Salt is also corrosive in this form.  It can eat away at steel support beneath concrete, and will erode the pavement over a long period of time.  


What can we do?


Well, this winter, when you’re salting your pavement, consider another solution.  Cat litter and sand can both be used for traction; if your walkway is particularly icy, you can sprinkle a little of it over the patches.  It won’t melt the ice, but it will make it easier to walk on.  Of course, we can’t sprinkle kitty litter over all the state roads.  But we can each make an effort to be more conservative with our salt reserves, and our pavement will last many more winters.


PTG Enterprises can fill the cracks in your pavement caused by ice and snow!

 If you want to protect your asphalt and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your sealcoating and asphalt maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, masonry, asphalt installation, repair, and paving throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, and Flickr.

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