Why Are Tire Tracks Left on Pavement and How Can You Remove Them?

You’re familiar with tire tracks being left on pavement; but have you ever wondered why there might be residue left after a tire has rolled over the surface of pavement?

You’re definitely familiar with tire tracks being left on pavement, whether they’re left over time or if they’re caused because of a sudden stop.  But have you ever wondered why there might be residue left after a tire has rolled over the surface of pavement?  And, of course, they seem impossible to remove.  But as with everything, there’s always a way to get your pavement looking brand new all over again.  To find out about tire tracks on pavement and how you can remove them, read on.

Why are tire tracks on pavement?

If you have tire marks on your driveway, it might be because your tires are of a higher quality.  Tires are made of polymer compounds called plasticizers, which make the tire more flexible.  When heated, which is caused by the car being driven, these plasticizers can sometimes get left behind on pavement.  Because higher quality tires are often coated in more plasticizers to make them more flexible, they often leave more streaks behind when driven over pavement.  A lower quality tire, if you’re willing to make the sacrifice, can leave less marks.

How do you remove tire tracks?

Sealant is the best way to prevent tire tracks in general, and a higher quality sealant is going to prevent marks even more.  Sealing your pavement should be a regular practice, of course, but it’s important to keep your pavement maintained with a very good sealant.  However, if you’re trying to remove existing marks, the process can be either simple or very difficult.  A good sealant can be cleaned with a simple concrete degreaser.  But if that doesn’t work, you may have to end up removing the sealant entirely and starting anew.  It’s very difficult to remove tire tracks that have sunk deep into the sealant.  This is yet another great reason to keep your pavement maintained at all times.

Need to make sure your pavement is in top condition?  Call PTG Enterprises today!

If you want to protect your asphalt and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your sealcoating and asphalt maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, masonry, asphalt installation, repair, and paving throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, and Flickr.

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