Most pavement and driveway owners know that they should get their driveway seal coated, but they aren’t sure exactly what it is or why it should be done. We’ll give you the answer to that first question as a bonus! Seal coating is when a professional applies a coal tar emulsion mix over the top of asphalt pavement to protect it and keep it looking new. Think of seal coating like putting sunscreen on before heading out for a day at the beach.
Why Should I Have My Pavement Seal Coated?
Seal coating works to protect your driveway or asphalt slab from everything in the environment. This is especially important during the winter when driveways are regularly facing snow, ice, ice melt, and rain. Seal coating will also protect your asphalt from oil, gas, antifreeze, and any other yard or household chemicals that could meet the surface.
How Often Should I Have My Pavement Seal Coated?
If you have new asphalt, it should be allowed to fully cure before you seal coat it. Curing can take up to one year, as oils in new asphalt will oxidize and leave behind a surface ready for seal coating. If you have properly cured asphalt or older asphalt, seal coat it every 1-3 years depending on how much wear and tear your asphalt gets. Parking lots typically need more frequent seal coating since they are used frequently, but home driveways need it much less frequently.
How Long Does Seal Coating Take?
The entire seal coating process does not take very long at all, especially when you consider that you only need to have it done once every 1-3 years! Once the seal coat is applied to your asphalt or driveway, it will take about 48 hours to completely dry, depending on humidity and weather conditions.
Seal Coating and Asphalt Services from PTG Enterprises
If you want to protect your asphalt and ensure it has a long lifespan, choose PTG Enterprises for your sealcoating and asphalt maintenance needs. We offer commercial concrete, masonry, asphalt installation, repair, and paving throughout Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and P.G. Counties. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 636-8777. For more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, and Flickr.